Monday, March 28, 2011

28 Days

Here I am, writing on the 28th day of the Slice of Life Challenge.  If you would have asked me 4 weeks ago if I would be able to do this I probably would have said "Umm...probably not."  (As you can see, I'm not always the most articulate person)  I didn't even decide to do it until about 5:00 on the first night of the challenge.  However, with the help and encouragement of a good friend of mine (the same friend who kept putting the idea in my head to participate to begin with :) ) I have been able to keep going.  It has been fun, although difficult at times.  I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read my relatively uninteresting blogs and leave comments.  I have really enjoyed reading what others have had to say.


  1. It's so great that you did it, & it was fun, wasn't it? I really enjoyed hearing your explanations & adventures with your motorcycles, & love the blog's title. Can't get much better than 'slices from the garage'. Happy travels!

  2. I felt just like you last year. This year, it has been even more fun and I have found more to say. Looking forward to reading more of your posts on Tuesdays or next March!

  3. Good for you! I hope you keep going!

  4. Glad you have been posting. You have a unique perspective and it's been fun to read your posts. Comments do foster a sense of energy. Keep up the writing. MaryHelen

  5. Ha! Told you so.

    Actually, I did want to tell you that I am SO excited that you did this--it helped keep me going too. It was fun, the SOL challenge needed more men, and you now have some authentic experiences as a writer that will strengthen your teaching of writing.
    And by the way--your stuff is not uninteresting. Quite the opposite!

  6. Keep on going! I too enjoy reading other people's posts. It's the highlight of my day.

  7. I've enjoyed reading your much-more-interesting-than-you-think posts...despite the hideous wall paper. Ick.

  8. Hideous? Not all of us have an innate sense of visual stimuli that balance us out as individuals :) Perhaps, the wallpaper being not quite "Zen" like in inspiring peace is an extended metaphor about Mr. A. Or it's just past midnight and some ideas are said just to make me sound smart :)
